Early diagnosis of skin cancer with Nevisense

Nevisense is a new and innovative method for early detection of skin cancer, which is used through reflected-light microscopy or videoscopy. This non-visual tool is used to support the traditional diagnostic screening.

The dermatologist applies Nevisense in case of a suspicious mole. By means of EIS (Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy), suspicious lesions can be evaluated. This offers the patience the advantage that unnecessary biopsies can be avoided.

How does Nevisense work?

Small electrical impulses can detect cell irregularities below the skin surface. Those results can be analysed with help of comparative measurements of the skin immediately next to the examined lesion.

The results of the Nevisense are portrayed in a simplified graphic, which makes it easy to evaluate if the examined lesion requires further examination in form of an outpatient surgery or if this can be avoided.

Benefits of Nevisense:

  • Avoid unnecessary removal of lesions
  • Quick and painless examination
  • Fast and easy comprehensible results
  • More qualitative adjuvant treatment